Heroes at the Frontlines

Zuriel Bernardino and his wife, Hannah, have been at the front lines of the battle against the spread of COVID-19 in Manila, Philippines. While Zuriel is a church planter and the CTCAP Network Leader for Manila, Hannah is a doctor at the Intensive Care Unit of the COVID-19 Wing of a hospital there.

Listen to this power couple share their experiences, struggles and the hope of the gospel that they banked on in the pandemic in the month of May 2020!

Hebrews 10:24 calls us to "consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." 

We would love to hear your stories. Stories where church planters are on the offensive (whether through  evangelism, justice and mercy, projects to get supplies to healthcare workers, or any work that is being driven by your love for others  in these times of COVID -19) and not just the defensive, to highlight what we are doing and can do creatively to spread the gospel and the love of Jesus in these times. 

Do you have a story to share with the extended CTCAP family? Get in touch with Benjie at ben.thomas@citytocityasiapacific.com 

We want to pray with you and stand by you through this. So we invite you to also share stories of any struggles you’re facing in dealing with the situation surrounding your family or your church in these times.